Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings

When it comes to fire safety, high rise buildings have additional challenges that are not found in low rise buildings. In high rises, the time it takes to exit a building is longer, the number of people in the building is higher, and fire department accessibility may be more difficult.

Keeping Building Occupants Safe

If you live or work in a high-rise building, there are some safety measures you should take in order to stay safe during a fire. When choosing somewhere to live, be sure that you select a building that is fully sprinklered. Ask your landlord about the fire protection systems the building has including sprinklers, fire alarms, and voice communication.

You should make sure that you know the locations of all available stairs and exit routes that you can take to evacuate the building. During a fire in a high-rise, the time to evacuate is limited so being prepared and knowing the exit routes is very important.

High Rise Fire Sprinklers

High-rise sprinkler systems are often required to have fire sprinkler systems installed. Fire sprinklers can be installed in newly constructed buildings or retrofitted into an existing building. Having fire sprinkler in your building save lives in the event of a fire. Sprinklers can limit the amount of damage that the fire can cause, and they prevent the fire from spreading to other parts of the building which is very crucial in a high-rise.


Fire sprinklers in high rise buildings must be well maintained and inspected regularly. If a fire sprinkler system is not working properly, it can have devastating consequences for the property and the people inside. Inspections and testing of high-rise sprinklers can help make sure the sprinklers are ready to protect the building from a fire.

High Rise Alarm Systems

Fire alarm systems, with the addition of voice communication, are an important addition to any high rise fire protection system. Fire alarm systems will alert occupants of a fire so they have time to evacuate. Time is invaluable in high-rise fires, especially for people who are on higher floors, where it takes extra time to exit the building. Make sure that alarm systems are up to code and inspected regularly. An alarm system that is not working can lead to a loss of lives.

Island Fire: NYC Fire Sprinkler Experts

Island Fire Life Safety Co. can design and install fire sprinkler systems in high rise buildings. We serve the New York City Metro Area and have experience with projects in high rise buildings. We understand the requirements for sprinklers in high rises and can make sure that your building is compliant with NFPA and local code. If you are interested in a fire sprinkler system from Island Fire, contact us today!

Categories: Fire Protection