Fire Detection Systems

Fire Detection Systems: The Earliest Indication of Danger


Fire detection systems are on the front line of fire protection for all facilities.  They will be your earliest warning for the personnel that there is a fire danger and to exit the building following the planned fire escape.  From flame detectors, smoke detectors, heat detectors, to carbon monoxide alarms, there are many types of automatic fire detection systems that can be installed in businesses to help protect the people inside.

Fire Alarm Systems

Fire alarm systems can be installed in a single building or campus wide to alert everyone at the same time.  Fire alarm systems can include voice notification, which clearly communicates the nature of the emergency to occupants.  Graphical interface workstations provide fire alarm management and quick identification of the emergency location.  Smoke detectors can detect either active flame smoke and or smoldering fire smoke.  The common types of smoke detectors are ionization for active flame detection and photoelectric detection for smoldering fires.  Other types of smoke detectors include beam detectors, aspirating smoke detectors, laser smoke detectors and multi-criteria detectors.  These detection systems are addressable, which means the fire alarm control panel can identify the detector in alarm.  Carbon monoxide detectors are important in rooms with fuel burning appliances such as furnaces or boilers.  Carbon monoxide is considered the invisible killer because of its odorless, tasteless, colorless presence.  Having a CO alarm system installed will help protect lives as well in case of a gas leak.

Here Is What People Want To Know About Fire Detection Systems

Fire detection systems will alert you when danger is present and give everyone the valuable time you need to get to safety.  There are many different types of fire detection systems and methods to install them.  The following are a couple of the frequently asked questions about fire detection systems.

  1. How do fire detection systems work? All systems are different but most systems work together to warn people of many different types of dangers.  Be it a fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, gas, or heat detection system, if an alarm senses danger they will send out audible alerts throughout the facility and to the proper authorities if programmed to do so.
  2. Why do the smoke detectors false alarm or report a trouble signal? Modern smoke detectors are resistant to false alarms.  False alarms can be caused by significant quantities of fine dust particles.   Smoke detector trouble signals could indicate it needs to be cleaned or there is a wiring issue.

3S Incorporated has been designing and installing fire detection systems in manufacturing, governmental, commercial, power, and steel facilities since 1987.  We have the experience you need whether it be a small standalone system or a larger networked system for a multi-unit facility.  The design and installation of a fire detection system is based off of your individual needs.  Whether we are providing a system for new construction or retrofitting or enhancing a current system in an existing building, we will determine the best system and manufacturer based on your facility’s applications, processes, and systems already in place.  Contact us today for more information.  We have worked with companies across the U.S., Mexico, and worldwide.
